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6 weeks to submission

Hi Castle85,

This is an old post so I don't know if your time is up yet. I just wanted to say keep going if you can. It might seem horrible now but you will regret not pushing to the end in a year or so once the dust has settled. What an achievement to get this far regardless. But you're so close now. If you get corrections there's still a chance to amend and resubmit to a higher standard but just think how good it will feel to finish after so long. You can do this :)

Introducing new literature in the discussion chapter

Ok so this is a very silly question which I should definitely know the answer to by year 3 of my PhD...

Is it ok to introduce new literature in the discussion chapter of my thesis? For example when comparing findings from other studies? I don't have to had mentioned the comparative study in lit review chapter in the start of my thesis right? because otherwise I would be randomly listing a load of literature in my lit review just to be able to cite it in my discussion chapter.

Thanks for your time and hopefully not laughing at my naivety!