Overview of Emily215

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Please help with my survey as I`m due to submit in October

Hi longhaul.. I can appreciate that name, lol!

I'm really happy to do a study swap with you - would you be interested in taking part in my online study too? I noticed how study swapping is one of the best ways to get participants so I have also created a website and facebook page where you can post details of your study to get more participants. Please have a look and post your details!

Here's my study link: https://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/research/psylab/ecg1/index.php I'm looking for people who have drunk alcohol before, it doesn't matter how much, just as long as you're not a non-drinker, it takes about 20 minuites and there'e a £50 prize draw.

And here's a link to my website: http://www.participantexchange.co.uk/

And the facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ParticipantExchange

Please post your study details or let me know if I can add them and feel free to make some comments and like the facebook page! The idea is to get the word out to more research students as the more of us there are to participate in studies and pass on the links to other students the better for all of us! So do tell other people who you know who might be looking for participants or have friends looking for those last hard to get subjects and we can all start helping each other and make our own friends happy by not moaning about getting participants anymore!

Good luck with your study!!

Many thanks and kind regards :-)


Looking for participants for your dissertation in the UK?

Hello :-)

I'm a Social Psychology Masters student at Sussex university in the UK looking to study swap with other research students who need participants. I noticed that study swapping is one of the best ways to get willing participants so I have made a webpage where students can swap study details, here you can post your study link and do lots of swaps to get more participants. Most studies are online so it's a great way to get those participants you need really quickly! The web page has no advertising or sales, it is just for research students to study swap for participants, you can have a look here: http://www.participantexchange.co.uk/

And if you find it helpful don't forget to my study and let me know so I can do yours too! I'm looking for regular drinkers in the UK. You can take part in my study here: https://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/research/psylab/ecg1/index.php

Many thanks and good luck with your research!

Emily :-)

Participants needed for a MSc forensic psychology dissertation

Hi Jennifer, I'm a Social Psychology MSc student at sussex. I notice your study is closed now but I thought I'd just let you know that I have quite a few people looking to study swap with other students so if you have any colleagues or friends still looking for participants I might be able to help out. I made a website page where students can study swap, and I've been telling Masters students here all about it. I don't want people to think I'm spamming so I won't put the link here I'll make a new thread but do look for it or email me at eg215@sussex.ac.uk if your friends are asking for participants!

Kind regards,


DISSERTATION - help needed!

Hi Puja,

I'm a masters student in the uk at Sussex Uni also looking for participants for my dissertation. I've been telling some of the other masters students here about study swapping. I have an online questionnaire too, would you like to study swap? I'm looking for regular drinkers. The link to my study is: https://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/research/psylab/ecg1/index.php

Also to get more participants I've made a website page where students like us can study swap, you'll find a few more students there very willing to study swap with you and you can add your own study details too. So even if you're not a regular drinker you can still get more participants by study swapping with me, just tell other students about posting their study links for study swapping and we all get more participants! You can have a look here: http://www.participantexchange.co.uk/ there is no advertising on the site, it's just for students like us. Good luck with your dissertation!


Help Needed for my Dissertation

Hello again, I just noticed I forgot to say what mine is about! I'm looking for people who drink alcoholic drinks regularly, thanks, Emily

Help Needed for my Dissertation

Hi Adilina, I'm a masters student in the uk at Sussex Uni also looking for participants for my dissertation project. I have an online questionnaire too, would you like to study swap? The link to my study is: https://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/research/psylab/ecg1/index.php

I've also made a website page where students like us can study swap, you'll find a few more students who are happy to study swap and few of the studies are about online things like facebook so people might be suitable to take part in yours. You and you can add your own study details too. You can have a look here: http://www.participantexchange.co.uk/ there is no advertising or selling on the site, it's just for students like us to do study swaps. Good luck with your data collection!

Em :-)

Dissertation - Please help me with my questionnaire!

Hi Maralsol, I'm a masters student in the uk at Sussex Uni also looking for participants for my dissertation. I have an online questionnaire too, would you like to study swap? I'll happily do yours. The link to my study is: https://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/research/psylab/ecg1/index.php

Also to get more participants I've made a website page where students like us can study swap, you'll find a few more student there very willing to study swap with you and you can add your own study details too. You can have a look here: http://www.participantexchange.co.uk/ there is no advertising on the site, it's just for students like us. Good luck with your dissertation!

Em :-)