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Windows 7 and ArcGIS

Dear All, I do not usually post on this Forum, but everyone's messages have helped me through low patches, especially late at night! I am posting this message to ask whether anyone is using ArcGIS on a Windows 7 64-bit operating system? My University currently uses ArcGIS version 9.2, but this seems to be incompatable with Windows 7. I have had a look on ESRI's website and they claim that ArcGIS version 9.3 is compatable with Windows 7, but independant forums suggest otherwise. I only have the home edition of Windows 7, so I cannot run the programme in XP mode. Silly Windows!!!! Any advice would be gratefully received :-)



I am an ecology based student working with owls, which is great fun. I am 8 months in my PhD and am a working away student.

Only problem with being a working away student is that you miss out on short courses such as stats! I need to purchase a good stats book that explains the concepts in a simple way. Any ideas????

Thanks ,-)

Off campus PhD


I am a working away student I am working with owls and decided that I did not want to move back into halls and was kind of done with certain aspects of student life. I do miss living on campus, but I am definatetly more happy in my home time. I find it relaxing to work in my own time frame and I just email my supervisor or pick up the phone if I need something. He doesnt give the much supervision anyone, so he doesnt mind. It feels really nice.

It can be harder to motivate yourself. I do miss having friends about me, but I realised that doing a PhD was quite lonely compared with an MSc and undergrad anyway. I would say go for it and be a working away student. You can always move back anytime