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looking for postdoc positions

Hi all,

I am about to finish my PhD in a couple of months and would like to apply for a postdoc position. I would like to search for postdoc positions in London and around. Can someone tell me the best websites to look for postdoc positions/fellowships around London

PhD and pregnancy- advise needed

hai preeti and rick,
thanks for the reply .Looked really sensible. My partner is convinced and happy to wait till I finish my lab work. So no worries for now .Iam just trying to finish the lab work soon

PhD and pregnancy- advise needed

Thanks for the reply. I agree its really taking a risk .My partner insists because he is around 40 now and iam now 30 and he fears time is running out. But I guess its not worth taking the risk.

PhD and pregnancy- advise needed

I have started my final year PhD and my partner insists that we have a baby now. I have 5-6 more months of lab work as advised by my supervisor .Is it possible to do work in the lab after getting pregnant as I am working with some chemicals which are quite toxic ..or should I temporarily stop and start after a year? Advise needed