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Quick Survey to Complete


I am a Phd Student who is looking at people's attitudes towards on-line relationships and interacting on-line. If you can, please take 5 minutes to fill out my questionnaire. You can find it at: http://taliope.ucc.ie.

Thanks in advance. Sorry to those not interested!


questionnaire responses needed


thanks for your feedback! Yes I am a Psychology Student - the questionnaire is a 'side' to my more empirical and qualitative work of analysing the use of online text in instant messaging and chatrooms. I'm primarily looking at how personality is perceived by others in online environments,and investigating the patterns and use of text to communicate in a text-only environment. The questionnaire I started when i was an undergraduate and I'm trying to validate it at the moment - they are all the questions, so there was no additional ones for those who have used a chatroom. I'm looking at everyone's opinions, regardless of their experience of chatting online.

So i suppose I'm drawing between HCI and Social within this area. Your work sounds great, I am really interested in the idea of online communities and sharing information. My Phd is quite general at a basic level, but I would love to do further work on experiences and identity within communities - especially discussion boards (and other non-synch places). Are you doing your Phd?

Where to buy cheap Endnote software

Hi there,

I was told the other day of a free plugin for Firefox called 'Zotero'. Apparently it works better than Endnote, is free, and can be synced across computers, so you're not tied to the software per-say. It's compatible with Word, and works well with 'fox-it' (another plug-in for PDFs). Find it and more info at www.zotero.org

I've just downloaded it myself and plan to explore it tomorrow...

Hope this helps!!!

questionnaire responses needed

Hi all,

I am a PhD student in University College Cork, Ireland, where as part of my research I'm conducting a survey which examines Internet activity, and in particular, people's attitudes towards online chatting/dating. I would be grateful if you could could take 5 minutes to complete the survey at


No experience of chat rooms is necessary to complete survey.

Thanks in advance, and all feedback is gratefully received.