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Funding from corporate sources

Hi! I've just been accepted as a PhD student and I am very excited by this! It's too late now to apply for any funding from my university or any research councils, so I'm planning to work part time while I study part time as well - it's the only way I can afford to do it. My Masters degree is not recognised by the ESRC so I can't go for a +3 scholarship anyway. Just wanted to explore every avenue possible as ask for those of you that have applied for fund during your studies - where did you apply?! Other than the research councils and the big charities I can't find anything else to go for. I wanted to know if I was missing anything or if anyone has had any luck approaching corporate companies for funding (not an employer as such)? I've looked into this alot now and it seems that unless you apply for funding 8 months or so before you start the research councils are out and most other bursaries are for international student or those on low incomes - I am on a low income obviously but apparantly because I live with flatmates that earn normal money I must be living off them somehow so do not qualifiy for fee waivers and the like?! Anyone recommend any good websites? I'm going to be in a Psychology department by the way. Thanks!