Overview of eyeofhorus87

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Problems with supervisor

I saw my supervisor today, he has offered me other projects I could do (nothing certain, he is going to think about them and see what is feasible). Is it a good idea to rush into something and just do it even if I may not enjoy it, or take the time out this year to think about what I really want to do?

Problems with supervisor

Thanks for your replies, I have managed to arrange a meeting with my head of year although it seems unlikely that I will be able to switch supervisors. It is looking like I will be leaving university and I will hopefully be able to start another masters next year!

Problems with supervisor

I'm currently enrolled on a masters degree, although because it continued straight on from my bachelors I am still getting a student loan. I have worked for the university over the summer, with a postdoc who I would be working with for the rest of the year. He is not my 'real' supervisor although he is the person I spend most time with, and I only occasionally see the professor who is my supervisor. I was getting paid £180 a week to work for the postdoc. However, what he didn't tell me was that I was on a 10 week student bursary. At the beginning of my 11th week, I didn't want to work anymore as I wasn't enjoying it and told him this, and he said that I could not leave him in the lurch and had no choice whilst he was paying me. I have now found out that in fact I have not got paid for this week, and becuase of this and other reasons I don't get on well with him. Even if it is possible to switch postdocs, I would still be working in the same lab and I think the situation would still be very awkward. I am also not entirely sure that I have picked the right area of biology to specialise in: I am currently doing molecular ecology however I am not enjoying the laboratory work although it is difficult to know if this is because I don't get on with my supervisor or if I genuinely don't enjoy it.

Considering that I am getting a student loan for this year, what would people recommend I do? If I drop out I believe that I will still come away with a bachelors degree. If I did drop out, what would happen to the student loan installment I have already recieved this year?
