best place for PHD


I am currently doing masters degree, specialising in microelctronics. I have almost done with the course and yet to complete master thesis project. My research project deals with solar cells and improve the efficiency. I am very much interested in to solarcells development, because that helps our planet as a substitute fuel to all the present harmful fuels.

I dont want to do phd, instead join as a research assistant in any industry because usually industry fastens the research project and implement it as soon as possible.

Please suggest me good industry for solarcells.


Would you consider an industry sponsored PhD placement? You would gain extra experience with research and be working on something that the company wants to take to market.

Do you need a PhD to show you can progress with a big project over a longer timespan than a years masters? Perhaps someone else can answer that?

I would look on internet for solar cell manufacturers and contact them to find out how they employ - or if they have any university affilations.


Thanks for the reply! I will probably look in to the way you guided me!