Books in exchange for a review!


We have the following books available for review, in exchange you can keep the book to help you through your studies! The review will be published on our website

The PhD Application Handbook. Peter J. Bentley (3 of these)

Stepping Stones to Achieving your Doctorate, by focusing on your viva from the start. Vernon Trafford and Shosh Lesham

Your PhD Companion, the insider guide to mastering the practical realities of getting your PhD. Shephen Marshall and Nick Green

Dr Dr I feel like doing a PhD. Lucy Russell

How to get a PhD. A handbook for students and their supervisors. Estelle M. Phillips and Derek S. Pugh

Writing your dissertation, the best selling guide to planning, preparing and presenting first-class work. Derek Swetnam

2 smaller books:
(Pocket Study Skills) Planning your PhD. Kate Williams, Emily Bethell, Judith Lawton, Clare Parfitt, Mary Richardson and Victoria Rowe
The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding. Luke Blaxill and Shuzhi Zhou

How to Survive your PhD, the insider's guide to: avoiding mistakes, choosing the right program, working with professors, and just how a person actually writes a 150-page paper. Jason Karp. (For American Students)

How to live and work in the UK. Guide to immigration, life in the UK test, the points based system. Mathew Collins and Nicky Barclay. (For international students studying in the UK)