Can't finish MSc dissertation, can I take PGdiploma?


Hi everyone, I would be grateful if you could give me some advice on this, as I'm not from England and not too expert about university system.. I'm currently a master's student, have finished all units and passed all assignments. I have been working on the dissertation, but unfortunately due to some unexpected change in my circumstances I am not able to take the dissertation project to the conclusion... Could I ask the uni that all the work I've done so far is converted in a postgraduate diploma? (This is in fact one of the possible awards in my master's course) Would the university need a 'proof' that my circumstances have changed or is it sufficient I explain it to them? Can they refuse?
Many thanks to all!


I think you can probably take the units you've completed and get a pg diploma. I think it will up to the uni to decide whether they will let you do this without providing them with an explanation. Have you checked your handbook? You can probably find it online.