How to Analyse Likert Scales????



I'm currently doing my dissertation and need a hand in analysing my data. I would like to know if risk aversion has an impact on consumer's trust. I constructed a questionnaire and I have 2 statements to measure the risk aversion, and 4 statements to measure consumer's trust. These statements are based on five-point likert scale (1= strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree).

I got confused with likert-type item and likert-scale items. In some articles I read, likert item is a single question using the likert response, while likert scale is a series of 4 or more likert-type items. Likert-type item is an ordinal data while likert scales is interval. Now in my case, since I have 2 items for risk aversion, should I treat it as likert scale or likert-type item? An what about the consumer's trust, which is measured using 4 statements? Should I do the descriptive analysis with mean or median? And which one I should use to measure their correlation? Is it Pearson's r or Spearman's rho?
