dear Sir ,
Im Dr.Habeeb A.Ibrahim from Iraq had MBBS and high Diploma of
Internal Medicine. I ask If I can get on free scholarship or award to
study master related to medical sciences if possible diagnostic
radiology or neuroimaging study or radiotherapy and oncology study
pz reply to my e-mail with thanks
Ordinarily I ignore most posts begging for funding, but having heard what is happening to Iraqi doctors (kidnapping and extortion from the looks of things), I sincerely hope you are able to find some funding and get to safety.
As you already have a medical degree you may be better of getting a research assistants post in a medical research facility.
I wouldnt normally recommend doing a PhD, but in your case you hell you will at least be safe. You may wish to look for a funded studentship (your MBBS and experience will put you at considerable advantage to most other applicants).
It takes a post like this to make me realise that although I am struggling on crappy temp work and fruitlessly searching for academic employment, things could be infinitely worse.
Good luck.
This is Bahram Javad Pour from Iran.
i have finished microbiollogy in Iran.I ma intereted in to countinue master of one of microbiologies branches.Wpuld you guide me please?
Thank you so much
this kind a program is under scrutiny now by the British governemtn you should have been first checked. there is a special check. speak to the university you are applying about that.
Queen Mary university
Kings Collage
good luck
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