MSc Funding for Physics


Dear All, I seem to be running around in the same old rubbish from funding areas - if you are white, male and over 25 then you will not get any funding!!! Has anyone over 25 and is English got funding for an MSc in physics? I know its a bit of the same old, but this is really getting me down. My dream is to get my PhD (even though I have a high 2.II) and lecture at university. I am sooooooo hacked off at the moment, I think I'm going to scream!:-s:-s Cheers!


You could start by not playing the positive discrimination card.


MSc funding is never easy to get, especially with a 2:ii, even in the pure sciences. I would back pamplemousse and suggest that you don't play the discrimination card, it will not endear you to anyone. If you were a strong candidate you would get the funding somehow; we've all hit brick walls at some point. And look at it this way, compared to Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences you guys in pure science are totally spoilt. Imagine if everyone studying those subjects said they were discriminated against by narrow government ideas of what academic research is.