Option for a student with low undergrad GPA for continue to MSC


======= Date Modified 13 54 2009 15:54:12 =======
I have biotechnology special degree but I have no honors (2.6).But i really want enroll to a MSC in Biotechnology. Although I have a LOW GPA for my RESEARCH and InPlant Training I'm Having A grades. And I can get good recommendation from them also. Is there any option for me to enroll a MSC in UK or US.I heard that some UNIs are considering working experience as a optional path.
**Also I'm thinking to follow UK charted institute of IT programme (Professional Diploma in IT) most universities consider it as a qualification for Masters .Then I can enroll in to a Masters in Bioinformatics
*I have a Diploma in IT where I scored well.
Are there any option to follow certificate, PG diploma and Then MSc. Can you suggest any option??