what master to choose?


I would like your advice : I am currently a student.In 2 years time I will have my BA in Theology.I've been thinking on a master degree in psychology- cognitive sciences or something similar.Would this be a good choice ?A master in Theology/Philosophy would also be an option but I do not see any perspective in that.
Any ideas on what would go well with a BA in Theology ?
Thank you




You say you've got 2 years left until you finish your BA, so maybe it's a bit premature to decide on an MA course at the moment. If you have to write a final year dissertation, why not explore other ideas such as philosophical ones in that? Then you'd be making an informed choice when you start thinking about post-grad options. You've got plenty of time.


Thank you for your reply.The problem is that I'd rather make an early decision for the simple fact that if I would have to change to something other then Theology I have to have time to study.I'd just like to know all my options.Philosophy would be interesting but the problem is that I don't really know how it wold help regarding a career.That is practically the problem : my fields of interest (theology , philosophy ,cognitive science and such) do not seem to open any career perspectives.


I'm afraid I can't really help. If your interests are not obviously vocational at the moment, perhaps a career in academia would suit you. Alternatively, maybe taking a year out after your BA would be useful to help you work out what direction you want to go in.

BAs and MAs don't necessarily 'match up' though - mine were social sciences and design studies respectively, which I did because I found them both interesting. They have unexpectedly combined extremely well in my ongoing PhD, so what doesn't seem an obvious choice of subject while you're doing it can be very useful at a later stage in your life.


Thank you for your replies
I intend to go further with a PhD(but it's still very early).The fact is that I would like to make an informed decision and, why not , do what I like.An academic career ,especially in a foreign country , is a big commitment.I'm not in it for the money but I would like to leave a decent life.


Oh yes, I forgot to say, a friend did a Theology BA years ago, then he became a nurse, then ended up teaching theology in schools, then slightly bizarrely has apparently been thinking about becoming a prison officer. It's a slightly odd career trajectory, moving from trying to understand the world to helping the sick to wanting to lock people up. Possibly a set of life choices you may not want to emulate!


======= Date Modified 12 Oct 2008 16:22:23 =======
(up) interesting ,but yes, I do not want to emulate his choices.Any other ideas are welcomed.
thank you