Work experience necessary?


Hi everyone, Im a masters graduate who has recently moved to sydney and I'm needing some advice from anybody who has done work experience (relevant or not to their field).
I'm looking for a paid position at the moment, unfortunately it is becoming clear that having never done work experience before in policy that it is almost impossible to get the 'experience without the experience'. Having just recently moved a full time unpaid internship or work placement is not an option. So im looking for a 2 or 3 day a week placement. Just wondering if anyone has found themselves in a similar position?
My CV is mainly working in retail and nothing related to admin work. Is this a detriment to my placement search?
thanks for any advice/insight x


You have moved to a new place, and finding a job is always difficult. You need to search something relevant to your field, even if the designation is low. That is what will really help you in the future and your base will be of your interest. It is better to take up a job as soon as possible, instead of waiting for the right thing to come up. In a foreign land, the expenses will also be high for you. You will have to look into all of this and take the right decision for yourself.