computer problem


I need some help. The main computer in the house has lost its internet connection. It appears to have lost internet explorer or this has been corrupted in some way. It had been turning itself off from time to time for about a week, and went off suddenly when someone was doing a norton scan. I've downloaded IE8, put on firefox and taken off norton, but none of these processes has corrected the problem, although sometimes I now get local and internet conncetions indicated in the icon on the systems tray but it doesn,t actually connectand still says IE has stopped working. I'm loathe to do too much to the computer, such as a rebuild until I've explored all avenues as I haven't really got the tme to do it now. Anyone got any ideas?


Hi Joyce, stick this info on the thread here ( and you should get an expert and speedy response. I've been helped more than once! You'll have to register to post on the forum first, but it's worth it.


Thanks for that, I've posted on the site, I hope I can get it sorted - otherwise others may want to use MY computer and I need it !!!