dvd and cdr


hi, I need to ask about dvd and cdr. Whats the difference about a dvd blank disc and cd-r blank disc? Is it because if its a dvd, there's more space?

I need to put lots of songs, so I can burn a dvd blank disc and it will become an audio disk, right?

love satchi


A CD has a capacity of 700MB and a DVD 4.9GB, or 7GB if dual layered. If you put a lot of songs on a disc as MP3s, make sure that whatever you're going to play it on will play MP3's. More likely than not, it will nowadays - unless it's on of the very first compact disk players ever made.


hi wally
so I can use a dvd and it will become an audio disk :-)
thanks very much
love satchi


Quote From satchi:

so I can use a dvd and it will become an audio disk :-)

Only if what you are going to play it on can read DVDs. Most PCs these days can read DVD or CD, but not all CD players in stereo systems or in cars can - some of them can't read CD-RW or CD-R formats either.