Gran Turismo 5 - a let down!!??


I really should stop procrastinating, but I had to check out the reviews of GT5. I haven't played any games for a long, long time. But I like cars and this was the game I was going to buy when I finish my PhD and get my PS3 back off my friend, whom I gave it to for, ahem, safe keeping. Anyway, it has received a lot of criticism for offering nothing particularly new and not pushing the boundaries enough, though it's still supposed to be okay. Gah, I was really hoping that it would be something special. I don't know whether, even if I can magic some dosh from somewhere, I'm going to buy it now.(up)

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I loved GT4 and had had high hopes for GT5. After all the delays with GT5 coming out it was going to have to be absolutely amazing o keep the critics happy and by all accounts it is just quite good.

Going to buy a game tomorow and after the reviews I think i'm going to get COD Black Ops over GT5.

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my hubbys xmas list

- assassins creed brotherhood
- call of duty black ops
- gran turismo 5 (with a note saying 'if its out')

Should I bother with the last one then?

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I would still buy it if he has asked for the game. It has still got on the whole positive reviews and will definately be a good, solid game that is fun to play.

I think the disappointment lies in the fact that people had waited so long for this game and were expecting 100% amazing reviews accross the board, and instead it has turned out to be very good, rather than totally amazing.

If he likes racing and car games he will still enjoy the game.

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that's what I don't get - he doesn't tend to play car games. He plays things like red dead redemption, unchartered, resident evil assassins creed, mafia etc. Maybe I'll see how much I've got left in my budget - its his bday too mid december and have no money :-(