Roll on January


I'd like to create a safe space for Christmas-haters like me. The following subjects are banned from this thread:

1) Christmas food
2) Where you are going for Christmas
3) What you are getting or buying for Christmas
4) Christmas
5) Snow
6) Holly and ivy
7) Carols
8) Tinsel
9) Baubles
10) Donkeys

So there!

Right. Errrr...nice weather we're having?


Juno, you live in Lufbra to don't you? Have they pumped something into the waters this year, or is it I finally awoken and realised I am not alone in hating this period of the year!

Weather is great, sunshine, not overly warm but sunshine ya! Can you wake me on the 28th of december please, thank you

Can we ban from your list the invetable:
1. What you got for ****
2. What your new years resolutions are


Finally, someone else who is hates Christmas. I too cannot wait for it be over. I love new year though, so full of possibilities...


I live in Leicester; close enough! I'm glad to read both your replies and realise I'm not a freak (well, not in this respect anyway). I find it quite lonely feeling like everyone except me is in this culturally enforced state of jollity. Not that I'm unhappy, not at all, I just find the whole thing really false.

Yeah, New Year's not so bad. I'm already resoving to be much more self-disciplined with my reading and organising; didn't realise how much of a Ph. D. was going to be organising your own timescales and making yourself stick to them.


But donkeys are nice. Poor donkeys. (donkey)


Grrr no donkey smiley


Ok, we can have donkeys as long as they're not in the Xmas sense. I bet they hate it as much as I do.


Donkey, summer hols, sigh...what are they again?