Sleepless in Singapore (not really, rather in GB)


Anybody else having serious insomnia? No full moon tonight yet it is impossible to fall asleep. Three more hours until my alarm rings, I hate it.


2 more hours


hey o.stoll. i spent the night sleepless, too. didn't turn my computer on though, so didn't see your post!

hope you found some sleep eventually.

i heard that air pressure situations can make people sleepless. or simply: stress?


are you SURE it's not full moon? looks like an awfully full moon to me!


i can sympathise, although i am going through a blissful (rare) phase of being able to drop off OK. the problem is that what i am now encountering is the far more maddening experience of being woken once i've fallen asleep

at least when i'm insomniac-ing i know what to do (come on here, read, write, have a cuppa...)


You're right, it's full moon out there. that might explain...


This reminds me of the Jaffa cake advert:

Full moon, half moon, total eclipse!

The mean piggy teacher.