Title suggestions


Hello everyone. Hoping to submit next week (so 3 years and 2 weeks) despite many ups and downs. I am trying to decide what to call my thesis and my supervisor and I just laugh when coming up with any. I have been looking at the Romans and environmental change, their interactions with the environment. So far I have: Late Holocene Environmental Change at Castelporziano. I would like something before the colon but I am stumped...any bright ideas?


As a history student I'm used to titles where the first bit is a pithy phrase (often in double quotes), then a colon, then a more explanatory phrase, a comma, and a date sequence.


Erm...how about (don't judge me for any historical inaccuracy)
The Caesars' Land: Late Holocene Environmental Change at Castelporziano (could even be Land of the Caesars)

The Roman Fields: Late Holocene Environmental Change at Castelporziano

Not really sure what you found but maybe
Roman Wilderness:: Late Holocene Environmental Change at Castelporziano

Slight bit more out there
Ancient Climate Change!!!: Late Holocene Environmental Change at Castelporziano

Great Fieldword/Holiday: Late Holocene Environmental Change at Castelporziano


======= Date Modified 05 Nov 2009 21:45:29 =======
Thanks brill suggestions (up) however hardly a holiday, I had one day off in six weeks of fieldwork and worked 10 hour days minimum! Still finally got my final final copy back from my supervisor and properly submit shortly! I got delayed as sup decided to read it line by line but wait 2 weeks before she started that!