True picture of life (Hilarious): Demotivators. . .


Hi everyone,

While alternating between depression and elation, since I am waiting desperately for the results of my "minor" corrections, I found this rather interesting link about the realities of life . . . :p



Hey Mak- that made me laugh! I have had loads of those 'motivational' posters up in my office for the 3 years of my PhD (the positive versions, not the versions shown at the web address you gave!). Better than staring at blank walls in those moments of distraction and despair! Best, KB

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Hah, these made me laugh too. I was temping a few years ago after being made redundant, and the temping office had loads of (non-parody versions!) motivational posters in clip-frames on the wall. There's nothing quite like being offered ten days of minimum-wage brain-numbingly tedious work by someone sitting under a poster telling you all your dreams are within reach if you just keep trying!


======= Date Modified 19 Sep 2011 16:24:41 =======
Thanks!! Ha Ha Ha. That is really funny :)


Ace! Might adopt a couple of them (up)