What's going on?


I realise I have not even looked at this forum....in days? I can't remember.....been caught up in a swirl of things that I won't go into, but anyway....finally came up for air, and thought I would pop in.

The first of the Dilbert strips at this link is hilarious......am sure a few of us can relate!
http://www.dilbert.com/strips/ when the Internet calls to you!


Hi Olivia, I wondered how you were as well! I find I start wondering where people are and if everything's ok when they're fairly regular posters and then they disappear for a while. Sort of like I would in real life, I guess!

I like the other Dilbert one about being addicted to the internet because it's more interesting than people too.


Hi Ruby,

Thanks for the nice post! I just read the Dilbert about the internet being more interesting than people! Funny! I am well, busier than I would like, but its not a bad busy, just a busy busy. How are things going with you? I am looking forward to the snow preducted for the weekend!!!!!!! It will be fun!


Yes, me too with the busy thing!! I'm quite behind due to being ill a bit recently, but have a big deadline for Dec 1st for my complete second draft. I'll do what I can and see what the feedback is - my main supervisor said it was 'looking good' up to this point, which sounds cautiously positive, though it will be an even busier few months after this. I am quite excited about there being a real end in sight though!! Someone said it gets to the point where you've lived with your thesis for so long that you don't want to let it go, but I am definitely ready to finish!

Funny about all the pirate stuff on the news recently, I thought of you! It's a totally different angle to the Hollywood pirates of the Caribbean thing, I wonder if it made anyone rethink their ideas about it all?


Hi Ruby

Sorry to hear you have been ill, hope you are recovered, and good luck with the work, sounds like you are doing great. Yes, I have seen the pirates in the news......those must not be the same kind that inspired the romanticised version...reality and romance depart ways I am sure with pirates......! I am well, but tired, and I WANT IT TO SNOW.......so I can stay in bed all day and sleep.