2 years of work down the drain :-(


Had 3rd year advisors meeting and they suggest I don't write up my 1st project of 2 years as I have no real results. This was going to form 2/3 of my thesis according to my supervisor. They want me to work the next 6 months in the lab to get more results.
Neither project was what I wanted to do and I was relishing the thought of writing up and no more lab work in about July.
I am thoroughly miserable and went off home as couldn't face discussing with supervisor and advisor and was quite tearful. They are not people who are sympathetic on a personal level.
My supervisor has been useless, he leaves students to it, and my advisors seemed to think I'm not on top of my subject at all. I have also no interest or motivation and just want to give up.
I can't see a way out apart from sticking it out for up to another year probably unpaid. I don't feel I've got an aptitude for doing a PhD and have known for ages I will get a different job at the end of it.


Big hugs cc.
Suggest you 1st have a night out or night in with a sympathetic ear.
Try to forget about it all over the weekend if you can.
You should finish the project, it would be such a shame if you didn't, but it sounds as if you are lacking confidence and motivation -you need someone to give you what I call a Rocky talk i.e. "you can do it" type of thing. Try to think of all the reasons you started in the first place and how good it will feel when you finish and have the doctorate.


Thanks for your replies I am planning to go in for the "big" talk with my supervisor today.


good luck.

Also is anyone outside of your supervisors you can talk to. I'm in similar position. My supervisors said there was no way I could submit a thesis and would have to do another year unpaid.

I said NO! I went to the overall post-graduate supervisor for department. Explained the situation (and cried a bit) and i've now been advised to try writing up (including everything). The worst that can happen is that at my viva they tell me to do more work or submit it for a masters. Surely that is the position I am in at present anyhow - and sounds like you are too.

I am miserable doing Phd. My supervisor took 2 x 6months maternity and left me to my own devices. With no experience, I went down the 'wrong track'.

I know its really hard - I struggle to force myself into my little dark experiment room every day. You are NOT alone. 3 years is a long time - keep going for a few more months.

Little me.

PS I found university counselling service really helpful. An unbiased, non-judgemental listening ear. You can whinge and cry as much as you like.


It went bizarrely Supervisor was really nice and supportive :-O Said I SHOULD include the stuff and I just didn't defend it well to my advisors (it is like a mini viva), but could work on that. He said lots of students wouldn't know stuff before writing up even though they in theory should know it.
Even better he said he would "beat up" my advisors for me.


Poor littleme it sounds like it really hasn't been going well. I hope it gets better soon. My supervisor has said it is common for 2/3rd years to go through this really difficult stage, and it sounds that you've been in a particularly aukward position-that is NOT your fault.
We have someone in our lab in their FIFTH year on extensions (with my supervisor) and most people are there in their 4th year unpaid. I found out today 5 people in my lab are on/have been on antidepressants within the last 6 months (myself included).

Is there any way to get an extension, further funding, or another supervisor as the maternity leave has affected your PhD? Potential papers may encourage funding, although personally I have zero so far and probably only a second author one to look forward to.


I'm glad things worked out for you cc.

As regards myself - I am just putting my head down and pushing on through it. I just take one day at a time, do as much work as I can and hopefully I will reach the end at some point. There is an end in sight - it just might not be the one I originally intended.