750 words


======= Date Modified 08 31 2010 21:31:42 =======
I'm not sure if anyone had mentioned this website on here before but i thought I'd share a technique thats really working for me (and I am very easily distracted...)

After reading about it on here, I got totally addicted to mytomatoes.com and was getting through a lot done but not really getting anything in terms of wordcount. So I started using it in conjunction with another website called www.750words.com . This one tracks how much you write each day and gives you little incentives like a penguin badge and points if you have a good writing streak. It also give you an analysis of your mood when you were writing etc. Anyway, I love it and thought I'd share it on the offchance it helps anyone else.

Downside is that when anyone asks you how you're getting on you start talking in drivel like "I earnt a penguin today and I did it in two tomatoes"...


Hmm, it does look good Pixelmittens and I think it could be helpful. The only thing that puts me off it is that you have to give the website either your Google, Facebook or Yahoo login details. I also not that the webpage does not have any verifiable security information. Maybe I'm just being paranoid though.


Thanks for the recommendation, Pixelmittens! A friend gave me "Writing Your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day" when I started working on my PhD, and the author basically recommends to try and get addicted to writing. I've tried that several times - with surprisingly useful results - but always lacked stamina in the end. Perhaps this will provide the incentive I need. :-) I have to admit, though, that I also feel a little uncomfortable with having to use my facebook/google login - and also with the use of this text-analysis system. I'll try it anyway ...