Alternative thesis/3-paper format


Hi there

I wondered if anyone out there has completed their thesis by publication / alternative format / paper format and might be able to share their experience.

I am aiming on submitting my thesis in this format and am wondering about the weight of the introduction, methodology, and discussion sections that will surround the 3 papers. Two questions really. 1) Which did you find the most time consuming in write up - the papers or the other sections? 2) Did you write them in simultaneous fashion (apart from the discussion for obvious reasons) or did you more or less do the papers first then add the surrounding chapters (or vice versa)?



Hi Tudor_Queen,

I submitted my thesis in paper format, it's the way the majority of people in Switzerland (where I did my PhD) write theirs.
I wrote the papers first and these were the most time consuming but my supervisor had me write them throughout the PhD so when I got to the write up stage all I had to do was write a general introduction and overall discussion chapter. These two chapters took maybe a month to write before submission. I didn't write a methodology chapter because this was included in the papers.


Hi cml47

Thank you so much. That is just what I wanted to hear, as it is my plan (I have nearly finished the first paper). I think in the end all I will need is a general introduction and discussion chapter too. It is really encouraging how quickly you managed to write those chapters! How long was your thesis in total?


About 164 pages! The thesis is always a lot shorter when it's in paper format!


I wonder that is in words. I know, that's one of the reason's I've opted for it!!!