Another Quitter


Well, hi, it seems I will be another quitter of a phd program... I hate that I have to do it... but it seems it will be the only choice to keep my sanity ... to some degree

I'm now nearly two years in my PhD program.
My advisor never at any point gave any guidance, except that he told me my writing is not good - where he never gave me any hints to improve.
I managed somehow with the help of a PostDoc to improve.

My advisor is widely incoherent, his research is entirely based on reviews.
He uses the feedback from conference submissions to tell him how we could improve the work.
On his own he in one week says it should be done this way the next week he says the complete otherwise.

Further, he is the kind of guy "see where this path leads us", so my thesis is not defined after nearly two years.
Which he uses to bully me into topics that I'm absolutely not interest, and are widely out of my and his expertise.
His argument is "Well you want your PhD, so do what I tell you to do"
At some point he bullied me into submission that I write a paper for which we had no implementation, so i had to write a paper, come up with an implementation to generate data, related work etc all within 3 months to reach a deadline.

For some time I tried to comply, because well, I want my PhD, and did the best I could to come up with good papers and do good work.
But now the house comes crumbling down and I am mentally and physically exhausted.

I have no academic freedom, I am merely the pawn to fulfill his ideas and I think this shouldn't be the case to become a PhD.

I really wanted my PhD - it was kind of a lifelong dream - but this situation kills me.
I would have liked it to be the story of despite reaching my PhD, not because, but it isn't.


Due to his incoherent behavior and bullying i have few vastly different papers.
I am no expert at either, because I simply had not the time to really become an expert.
Additionally I had to supervise up to 5-10 students at the time and supervise a whole project.

Even If I manage to dig up deeper problems all of them he chooses to ignore and won't allow me to address because I have better things to do like students or otherwise.

Now after nearly two years, I have papers that are nice stories, but never asked any questions and I am not allowed to answer the deeper technological questions.

Why am I writing this, for others to have a benchmark... and maybe for me, to get validation

Avatar for Eds

You need to talk to someone mate- there should be a student counsellor at the least, and also why not talk to the reseach co-ordinator r head of department, if you have them?