anyone else doing an alnighter?


anyone else staying up to get something done for tomorrow?Unfortunatly just can't seem to write!!! Its killing me!!! I don;t want to look this much longer. Oh well this thing isnt going to write itself....
I have to see my supervisor tomorrow and I don't want to show that I have been slacking - but unfortunatly shes gonna see the truth if i dont get myself into gear!


hey there,

i'm up learning some theories. preparing some work for next week - definitely not staying up all night. guess am not one of those good students. if am sleepy i sleep, regardless of the prospect of having to account for it to my sup. anyhow, don't listen to me. i think i've got to a point where, the need to meet my sups expectations doesn't drive me or scare me anymo.. in terms of handing in work - not standards ofcourse .


best of luck!


I'm up all night - I have a splitting headache, and the only thing keeping my going is the prospect of my byf coming over this afternoon for dinner and a movie (sigh...I'll probbaly just fall alseep on the sofa anyway). Argh! I have almost finished the hard stuff and I expect to start trying to impose order on the fragments around 7,30ish am and then finish doing the bib by 10am. Then I'll go home, shower, eat -then final proof read before emailing off.

Bloody lit review!