Anyone interested in tutoring?


Hi there,

I've been asked to help the son of a friend who is currently studying Business Studies at an English university. He's in his first year and is looking for help in revising for his exams in economics, international business and financial accounting. Unfortunately, my studies aren't in this area and so I'm wondering whether anybody out there might be interested in tutoring for a couple of hours a day between 16 April and 7 May 2007? He's based in London and it would be paid at above-average rates for this kind of work. I think the tutor would have to be a graduate of a UK university.

I've put some more details on the following link if you want to get in touch with me about this:



No thanks. And thanks for not asking again as this forum has a different purpose!


And by the way. We don't support lazy students who need some idiot writing their assignments for them for money. Bastard.


Sorry to have upset you. I thought that the point of the forum was:
"to help current, future and previous postgraduate students to exchange ideas, get advice and generally help each other out". I thought that the above was an example of helping each other out. Any advice where I should repost to?


Sorry - purpose is revision for exams not writing assignments. Not sure where you infer that from. And "bastards" is a bit unecessary isn't it?


Yes, the "Guardian".

This forum has been abused in the past for all kinds of dodgy advertisements. Why does the student not ask a lecturer for advice or even better, start reading books and literature on the actual subject. Or is the student a spoilt son or daughter of a rich daddy who can afford to pay "above average" for this kind of job and is to lazy to revise him/herself?


We also don't support insulting language, please try and keep it clean and play nice


BTW, I take the "bastard" back, that was just because there have been dodgy people on this forum before. You might not be one of them if it's not for assignments.


Gosh Otto. that harshness was uncalled for. It is worth recognising that not everyone has an oxbridge ability and some people may need help along the way. Esenboga, I would have considered if that was my area or if I knew someone who's specialised in that area. All the best in finding someone.


Gosh Jojo, I just have bad experience with this particular type of requests, especially if they try to offer "above-average" salaries. That has nothing to do with harshness, but as said above, this forum is not the right place for this type of requests.


Sorry to hear about the past history of misuse of the board but not sure that your response is justified. I can't see much difference between my post and that a few days ago asking for "Any budding TV presenters" which you didn't object to.

Yes, of course everyone who receives tutoring is lazy, bovine and rich...


Justified or not, what I said is true. Many people come on this forum and ask for PhD students who could write coursework/assignments for money. It's actually more common than one might think and in 9 out of 10 cases the stereotype of the rich daddy/lazy daughter is true.

From my teaching experience I know also a number of real-life examples for that.

Anyway, please accept my apologies for my language earlier.


No problem. I'm sure that there is a discussion that one can have about the morality of tutoring (probably very similar to that regarding private education) but I was only trying to help someone out in posting this. Sorry again if you feel that this is a misuse of the board - I am open to suggestions as to where to repost.


Otto - what would do you if you have the money to pay an above average salary and your son wasn't hacking it at school? Would you sit and watch him go down the drain, or would you look for help from everywhere you know, including Phd student Esenboga who knows about this forum?

Speaking of appropriateness of topic - lots of stuff that isn't phd related is discussed here, jobs that may be of interest, boyfriend and girlfriends problems, the weather etc. There is a site regulator. It's not for us to go around telling people to take their posts down. That is the job of the forum moderator.

Anyhow, mine is not to take sides, it's to say we should treat the next person as we would like to be treated. I often come here with my problems and questions - and would hate to be treated the way Esenboga has been treated.


Otto, an apology is not too much to ask - no one deserves to be called a bastard or to be put down from coming from an affluent background. If the boy has a rich dad, he doesn't have to go around justifying this fact to those who don't find themselves in the same favourable position.

I worked my way thro uni, without any help. Tough! I could barely afford the basic uni lifestyle leave alone help with my revision. I knew that and I worked my tail off. But that doesn mean that its wrong to help someone who needs it.