box in latex


hi! Can somebody kindly tell me which command and/or package to install if I want to make blank boxes for a check list document? I'm looking at fancybox but still don't know how to make a blank box. I want the boxes aligned to one side, next to each sentence for a check list document. Please help..
thanks very much
love satchi


Have you tried inserting it as a symbol?

Perhaps \boxempty (table 24)

See of the package is predefined...or check whether you need a math package (texycomp??)

An excerpt from the book

Most, but not all, of the symbols in this section are math-mode only. That is, they yield a “Missing $
inserted” error message if not used within $. . .$, \[. . .\], or another math-mode environment. Operators
marked as “variable-sized” are taller in displayed formulas, shorter in in-text formulas, and possibly shorter still
when used in various levels of superscripts or subscripts.


hi ailicec! thanks for your post :-)
I did try inserting as a symbol but its too small.
I don't know how to make it bigger.
thanks again
love satchi



\box or \bigbox, \square


hi ailicec!
ok thanks, will do.
I will try again this afternoon, will let you know the outcome. Thanks a lot
love satchi


hi ailicec
I used \framebox[1.5cm]{\rule{0pt}{10pt}}. That works :-) At some point when I was struggling I was thinking why the heck did I start using latex in the first place. But now I find that it's ok and worth the struggle because if my supervisor adds something to the document, I know it won't go wonky like MSWord. MS office is very good, of course, but it does go wonky if something else is added/formatted and can be sometimes difficult with big sized files. The only frightening thing about latex is that if something is wrong then I have to look for it myself.

thanks again
love satchi