can anyone translate this for me?


Its a big ask, but can anyone give me a rough translation of this? I've tried asking the computer to translate it, but it doesn't want to do it even though it said it could.

Ich möchte die Lust und Bewunderung unternehmerischen Erfolgs in den Augen der jungen Menschen sehen. Ich möchte den Stolz und den Zuspruch der Eltern spüren, wenn sich Sohn oder Tochter tatenvoll in das Abenteuer Selbständigkeit stürzen. gut sein, wie wir nur können - getreu der bewährten Formel, die ich während meiner Zeit in Amerika verstehen gelernt habe: 'BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE'
Jost Stollmann



Ok, A-Level German was 10 years ago, but here goes...

I would like to see the desire for, and admiration of, entrepreneurial success in the eyes of a young person. I would like to feel the pride and joy of parents, when a son or daughter can throw themselves into something independently. be as good as we can be - true to the tried and tested maxim, which I, during my time in America, came to understand. "Be the best you can be"

I hope this is ok...


Wow! Thanks so much, I'm busy working on a chapter concerning the effect of neoliberalisation on education, and this will fit in really well. Thaks again.
