Choosing a PhD?


How many offers should one hold before you decide upon the one? Does anyone know how long you can keep universities waiting until all offers are in??


I am bakhtiar azadbakht. I have B.S on electronic and M.S on nuclear engineering in medical radiation field from shiraz university of Iran. and title of my thesis is:
Investigation of the PAGAT polymer gel dosimeter using Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) and irradiation of the PAGAT polymer gel dosimeter is performed using photons deliverd by linear accelerator(linac)and co-60.
I work a bout PAGATA (PAGAT+A) Polymer gel dosimeter using Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI). In future I will send my articles for you. please help me to get permition in Ph.D grade.


Umm, Bakhtiar, what exactly is "permission in PhD grade"?


I'm sure JohnP will find that very useful azad, thank you for that contribution


azad. that has to be the most random reply to a thread I have ever heard. explain to me how this answers the question posed by this thread? ( even though I think its a silly question in the first place)

how many offers should one have, and how long will universities wait?

my answer is:

I dont think it is a case that you should have to hold out for lots of offers before you accept one as long as you are offered a position you are sure is the right one for you. But i do think it is a good idea to apply to a number of positions and discuss projects with a number of supervisors before committing to a particular PhD program.


As regards how long universities will wait before you give them a yes or no answer, that depends on a lots of different factors. if the position you are applying for is a studentship on a very important project, they are likely to want an answer quite quickly if they offer it to you. There might not be much interest in some studentships, in which case you will probably have a lot of time to think about it. I was offered a PhD position a number of months ago and still havent given them an answer. I could probably contact them in a few months time to say yes and it would still be available.

I hope this helps