conference paper torture...


I have the transcript of my previous paper, this one is just an adaptation. I know what I want to say. I just can't motivate myself to write it. Must. Must. Must. Groan....


break it up into tiny little pieces. start writing messy, what you wanna say. make a spider diagram

work on it for ONLY 10 minutes. you can do it for 10 minutes even if you hate it. start the egg timer

report back at midday telling us exactly what you have done! even if it's just one sentence

good luck


hey chris, how's it going?

you know what just helped me - I was also struggling, so then i just started to ask myself.

okay what do you mean by that? what does this table actually show?

so then i just started writing in a really babyish way.

things like, this table shows X number of xyw, which shows that such and such.

and then i would ask myself, and? so? what's the point of that?

and then i would answer that bit.

abit of a split personality thing.

when you break loose of the shakcles of the "judge" the "madman" gets loose and gets creative.

or then i started to think:
as if i was explaining it to my daemon

explaining it in really simple broken english crappy grammer- bad words kinda of way. and you know what, it unblocked me. try it


I have been procrastinating and so will need to sit down and work until the evening.


if only a daemon!


Good luck Chris! You can do it yeah yeah yeah!!


aww tell me about it chris, procrastination the evil of every phd writer.

how's it going? you still working away?


plugging away, thanks. more work tmrw. i think awaiting feedback on a chapter this week has stifled my motivation. so worried. eek.


me too dragging myself through my chapter.

aww i am sure it will be great. at least you have done a chapter for them to give you feedback on. its always easier to improve on something than to start from scratch. don't worry.

i think my concentration and my productivity has plumented. i will work till midnight, then go to bed and wake up in the morning. and start again around 10am


I feel great now. The paper is moving along and I got positive feedback about my draft chapter