Crisis of confidence


Hi everyone,

Not really sure if I have a specific question or not, but could just do with a bit of a rant!! I am due to sumit my PhD any day now, and I cannot sleep for worrying about it. I feel my thesis is 'ready' - it may not be the best thesis ever written, but I'm pretty sure it's the best I could have done. However, I am having a confidence crisis. Not once have I been given any indication of how good/bad my thesis is by my supervisors. I have two - my first sup has been very good with checking all my chapters bit by bit etc, but my 2nd sup decided yesterday that she wanted to read the whole thing (she's had 6 months to read my chapters one at a time as I sent them all to her!!), therefore delaying my submission date by a couple of days or so (and no doubt she will come up with a load of suggestions/corrections that I will have to make at the last minute!) I have had a chapter of my thesis published, but I still feel that I have no idea of what the examiners will make of my thesis, and have no indication of how my viva might go.

Another issue is also stressing me out - I am lucky enough to have been offered a job, which I start next month. The job is conditional on me passing my phd, and I told them my viva should be before the end of March. but now, with my 2nd sup faffing about, my potential viva date is being pushed back more and more and so I'm in a complete panic about the job! Obviously they are aware that I haven't submitted yet but they still want me to start before my viva. (it doesn't help that my stupid sup didn't put a date on my notice to submit form that I had to hand in to the grad office a few weeks ago, meaning that my examiners have no idea when to expect my thesis which may also affect my viva date!! arrrgghhh!!)

As I said, not sure what my question is really, as I know none of you have any idea of what standard my phd is at, but I feel better already for having written it down!! I guess I just want to know if it's normal to feel this way and hear some words of encouragement from fellow panickers!! Sorry for the epic post, and thanks if you've got this far ,-)


I am safely through the other side of my viva and although I was a complete bundle of nerves on that day, nothing, and I mean nothing for me compared to the stress I felt in the weeks before submission. I honestly feel I lost the plot somewhat - my hubby probably would say I lost it a lot!

Best of luck with your new submission, new job and viva - in that order I think! it. I think if I were in your shoes, as soon as you have a viva date, let your new employers know. I would keep mum for the moment unless they specifically ask. Also, once you submit I would tell them as I imagine they will then know -roughly- when your viva will be.

nothing compares to pre-submission stress so based on my experience, things will get better(up)


Hi Ady,

Thanks very much for your reply! It's nice to know that it's normal to be completely freaking out! Just sobbed down the phone to my mum as my supervisor STILL hasn't read my thesis - I have sent yet another begging email to her telling her how desperate I am to submit this week. I am swinging from calm resignation to total hysteria every few minutes at the moment, can't wait til this is over ;-)