Developing qualitative questions


Hi all. I'm wondering if anyone else is looking at a qualitative study/methodology. I need to refine the question a bit as it's too vague at the moment. I'm broadly looking at nurses in the operating theatre environment and how they see themselves in relation to nursing as a profession. Any other QT bods out there have any ideas?
Have just started my doctorate and everyone has been really great but I'm still a little overwhelmed about the sheer scope of material I need to cover- I'm sure this is normal but it's still scary! Cheers.


Hi nurseboy,

I'm not in your field but I think that it might be a good idea to develop some initial questions and carry out a pilot study. You could do a few in-depth interviews with nurses just to see if you are down the right path. A pilot study will not only help you refine your research questions but will elicit some new issues you haven't even considered.I have done a pilot study for my research and found it to be very useful.

Hope this helps


Hi nurseyboy,

I agree with missresearch; a small pilot exercise / interviews may help in getting insight.
Be aware that the question sets the method. For example if you want a wide exploration of ideas then a focus group probably will be the best method. If you want confidential issues to be brought forward individual interviews will be better. If you want fgures then a quantitative method will be required.