doctoral graduates careers stories


Vitae have put together a database of careers stories of people who have a doctorate.
In the latest PGRTips I mused how you can use these:
for inspiration, motivation, information...
you can search by subject, employment sector and funding source.

hope you find it useful!


Just wanted to say that I know people have had gripes with PGRtips not being very useful in the past but I've just been reading through these stories and it's very helpful to hear people explain what they went on to do after the PhD and how they got there. Not something we get to hear about very much during the actual PhD, in my experience, so thumbs up from me.


Hi Keep Calm,

as the author of PGR Tips this last year or so I have been reallyy trying to make it something that is useful!! Any feedback on what would make it more so is really appreciated.... or any topics you'd like to see covered, anything.

Really glad you found the stories of interest!
all the best,