Doing mad things!


Has anybody else been so stressed they find themselves doing mad things? At the moment I keep sending texts to the wrong people - with no embarrassing mishaps so far but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone gets one which is meant for my boyfriend's eyes only, if you know what I mean. The other week I found some cheese in the cupboard, which I had put there instead of the fridge! If I wasn't doing a PhD I would be worried about Alzheimer's or something but I think the stress I am under explains a lot.


When I get stressed out , I hear noises ! (ambulance sound ;weird or wjat )


those sort of things are entirely normal for me, maybe I am always stressed!
Filling a tea-cup with milk, and adding a drop of hot water from the kettle is my favourite! Opening the fridge, picking up the milk, putting it back in fridge and closing the door again, then wondering where the milk is....
I am sure that there are many more, but my poor old brain forgets.....something....


So weird...I've been thinking the same thing myself - yesterday i brushed my teeth, then did it again 10 minutes later cos i forgot I'd already just done it.


I do this when I'm tired. Can definitely relate to the cheese/cupboard situation.

Masters, I get that too (bells, in my case). They're called hypnogogic hallucinations and they're quite common when you're on the verge of sleeping, too.


"Hypnogogic hallucinations"... good to learn what they're called, I've had this for as long as I can remember. I often hear music, like my head is playing a CD


Wow you people are all crazy... Just joking lol That always happens to me too, when I am nearly asleep or about to wake up - I think that I hear a loud voice shout all of a sudden or sometimes the doorbell ringing - weird...

As for dreams - I had an odd one last night about my supervisor... he was telling me he couldn't meet me because he was so stressed - he had just started a degree by night and couldn't get his head around some maths problem and I said 'Umm... aren't you, like, some kind of maths expert?' and he was like 'I know, but that was years ago'. Also he looked really thin, like he was wasting away...

What does it mean?????


My most common one is thinking 'Oh I will just go and get such and such from my room' then when I get there and can't remember what it is I am looking for.


when I am stressed and overworked I get these memory gaps. I cann't remember what I have do to, where I have put my stuff, what I have discussed with others in the lab etc. So I have to make notes all day and wander around with lists of things to do in my lab-coat pockets.


i think my worst was going out wearing a skit. Half way through the evening I rubbed my leg and thought, strange i thought I shaved my legs easlier. then realised I'd only shaved one!