Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards



I had obtained a PhD place in cell biology but I have to search funding for my studies. I am exploring various opportunities for fund as I am an international student. I came across DHPA and read it details. But I am not sure how to proceed as I have to search private sponsor along with host university. And my proposed guide is unable to help me for this.
Can you please guide me?

Thank you



davenikita2, if you have been offered a place on the undertaking that you are a self funded interational student then its an uphill struggle.
Your prospective supervisors should help you with identifying funding opportunities as this is not something easily completed from a distance and without some know how of the system.

Indeed the extra fee costs for international students is prohibitive - many come privately funded or are paid via their government and a better option may be to identify PhDs within the EU and UK which are open to international students.



Dear Jfitzgib

I think its very diffiuclt to find PhD positions that are open to international candidates and even if they say they are its also open to EU so there is tough competition. In some countries to access govt scholarships is also tough and beurcratic. So, on one hand although there are scholarships at Masters level for non EU students there are fewer scholarships at PhD level. Unless you're research proposal is brilliant and your interview is exceedingly good when compared to other candidates its very difficult.