equivalents PhD / doctorate / "German doctor"


Stupid question:
Could anyone explain the equivalents:
PhD in comparison to German doctor in comparison to doctorate?


I'd say they all eqivalent.


What are you doing: PhD?


Sorry I don't really know what are ou asking me about?
I am in application phase, no PhD yet.

Are you asking what is the title I would be studying for?

I don't mind. Different institutions/countries award different titles but that doesn't matter really. This is one thing, with slight differences like teaching or additional work


Mellory, whether you do a PhD, EngD, DPhil or whatever other doctorate, your title is still Dr, assuming you finish the damn thing



what did I say wrong?

Want me to get to that PhD before I post anything again?

Don't see your point in reminding me that I am not studying yet. PhD is not such an impossible thing. It's easy to get any offer, but I want a good one.

Sorry if my posts have ever made you feel bad.


they haven't made me feel bad, i'm just saying don't get ahead of yourself.

and besides, it isn't easy to get an offer, so don't be so arrogant


where did I get ahead of myself?
saying about applying? crying about being rejected or maybe replying to a post which no one bothered to reply?

didn't mean to be arrongant either.


Not on this thread, but in another thread you speak of what you will do after your PhD, well I was only pointing out that you need to actually start one before you can talk about ending one.

And saying that getting offers is easy come across as very arrogant. Some people on this forum have spoken about trying to get a PhD sorted for three years!! I think that makes getting a PhD pretty damn hard, and if you think otherwise, then that is arrogant


sorry, I didn't mean to hurt anyone who is trying. So am I. I just know it's possible. This year or another, this intitution or another.

That did sound bad but wasn't supposed to.

Sorry if it was insulting to anyone for me to dream about holidays. I've had a very hard 5 years at the uni, I didn't have holidays in the meantime. Dreaming about it now is the only thing that keeps me going. what's so ahead of myself in that again?


mellory, you didn't insult anyone by talking about a holiday!! i was just saying don't get ahead of yourself, and by saying that I wasn't trying to insult you, or upset you in anyway, I was just trying to point out that you shouldn't take these things for granted.

I'm sure you have had a few hard years at uni, but once you get onto a PhD (and i'm sure you will), the financial worries of being an undergrad are no longer there (its just the work!!). I was skint during my undergrad, but thanks to funding on my MSc, and then higher funding from my PhD, I am ok now financially, and managed a holiday last summer (first proper holiday for a while!), now its the work i worry about, but not so much that I let it get me down.

Best of luck looking for a project