Everyone writing now through the weekend - sign up!!!!!!!!


hey, i just finished reading yesterday and it has been a battle to get down to typing anything on my word document. i get this sudden feeling like its gonna be hard, can't remember what i read etc.... will keep you posted on how am getting on in the weekend. anyone else gonna be writing? we can pace ourselves. my current piece is about 2,500 and i still have another of the same length to go. sign up on this thread if you'd like join me in this excruciating part of my journey :-)


I am onto the third and final draft of a 6,000 word paper. I shall be working on it over the weekend. Handing it in on the Monday, getting final feedback and no doubt having to pull another all-nighter to send it to the journal on the Thursday by registered post to ensure a Friday delivery. Fun!


I hate corrections and re-drafting.


I'm writing my thesis - haven't written ANYTHING since my differentiation report 3 years ago - gulp. It's really difficult - unless I'm writing descriptive stuff (science PhD), every little phrase is a struggle. I won't say how much I'm trying to write by Monday, it's ridiculously over-optimistic.


I am in for the next 6 months...!!! I am writitng on my methodology chapter at the moment, what a misery! I am away from sat afternoon until sunday afternoon...mind you its 6 hours later here than in the UK, so by the time I am back you are getting up.


writing up too, or more precisely not writing because it's not going well

could that be called writing down in that case?


chris - tell me about it! the pain of corrections. you will get there - eventually.

sue - for me saying how much, gives me a target to work out, weeds out less procrastinating and provides the necessary pressure of a clear goal to achieve - whatever works for you i guess. i used to write that slowly, coz i was aiming for perfection. nowadays, i just get on with it - and come back to revise it later.

hermaatje - ya, methodology.... all the best. the misery will all be worth it when you're done. i did mine only last week and got it approved. it's one of those excruciating parts that leave you smiling when you hand in.

all the best guys. i just managed a first draft of about 500 words with hiccups all the way


404 - has to be writing up, coz your word count has at least increased since yesterday


I mean I just won't admit it to the forum - you'd think I was CRAZY!!


Yeah, good initiative, which motivates people.

I am doing my calculations regarding a questionnaire which I am developing (validity, reliability, power). So not really writing, however would it be allowed to join in?


Javisst, Rick! Ju fler desto bättre!

Of course Rick! The more the merrier!

(ps: I'm so jealous you're going to Sweden!)


I finished writing the first draft of a chapter today (10,399 words ) but it will have to go through extensive editing... so I think I need to join in!


thanks jojo for the encouragement...will be working on it this weekend. Its around 30 pages so far, but need to cull and also put in more on development of questionnaire, thesmes and interviews...am also working on my soft ware for analysis


Hi Chrisrollinski,

Interesting sentence in Swedisch: the "desto battre" looks very much like "the better", perhaps something which comes from the same root.

How are things going?


Rick - yeah, urm, 'desto' is one of those words in Swedish that I don't really know the meaning of it just turns up in phrases. And my dictionary isn't very edifying. It is used in phrases like 'ju förr desto bättre' - the sooner the better, which is VERY similar to 'ju fler desto bättre'. But yeah - your eagle eye spotted that is should be "the better" but the whole phrase is the equivalent to the English quip "the more the merrier". Anyway, yes, all is well. Though I am sick and tired of my paper - I have never been so thorough with a piece of work!


Hi Chris,

must be frustrating for you.

Is "Good is good enough" not an option? I mean you have put so much effort into it now that it must be perfect anyway. Is there no way that you can say: This is it. Or is that not an option?