Final week: Big panic


Dear folks out there. I am in my final week of my PhD. It must be submitted on Sunday. I had a really awful weekend. The worst possible scenario with major technical problems with my thesis. I have been in a state of panic for some days and today just broke down and just couldn't work. I have tomorrow, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday to finish it and would just like some wise words from good folks out there.

I feel very guilty that I lost today as a work day, but I was just in a state of collapse.

Thank you

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I know the feeling and there's days we have to take time out to recharge. Don't feel guilty.

You're nearly there and soon you'll be able to take some time off. As regards major problems with the thesis, this will be decided by the examiners. If you've done your best and kept good structure to your work, worry about such things once you've had your viva and not before you've even submitted.

Good luck!!!

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)