First Year Change of Research Topic


Hi All,

I am in the second semester of my first year in a humanities PhD program. I came in with a well-developed idea for my dissertation, and was admitted to work with a big name in the field. (My funding is not tied to my supervisor). I have found, however, that I feel much more passionate about a drastically different topic. To switch topics would require me to change supervisors and change fields, there is no way I can keep the same advisor or committee. I am unsure how to handle the switch. Should I talk to my new potential supervisor first to make sure she will take me on as a student (she has hinted the topic I am working on in her course ought to be a dissertation)? Should I talk to the Director of Grad Studies? Or should I approach my advisor first? But, then what if the new advisor for whatever reason won't take me on?

I am just looking for some practical advice about how to handle the situation. Or, if anyone else has made the switch to hear how they did it.



This is a difficult one, I don't really have any advice to offer... I guess if it was me I would probably speak to the new supervisor first and take it from there.

Isn't there a chance you could finish your PhD with your current supervisor, and then do a postdoc with the other one?