Going back to study or not?


Hi everyone!

For a little while now i have been considering the possibility of doing a PhD, the scenario is this:

I am currently teaching at a Sixth Form College and have been doing so for the last 4 years and i am finding this rather tedious and very demoralising. I have a PGCE in Post Compulsory Education, an MSc in Sports Performance and a BA(Hons) in Sport Studies with Business.

The next bit is really the barriers i can see in front of me: i am 28 years old and have recently purchased my first house with my partner. My concern is that even if i was to find a PhD i wouldn't be able to afford to do it.

I don't really know where to go or who to speak to about it.

Can anyone help me out???????????


PhD's tend to be advertised on University websites, jobs.ac.uk and findaphd.com Best to keep on an eye on these websites to see if anything appeals.

If you get funding, which I think is on average just over £13,000 (not taxed on it) it normally does not extend beyond 3 years and so you may need to factor this in when making a decision as to whether or not to do one.

It can be difficult getting secure employment after finishing a PhD and so this may be something else for you to take into consideration.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


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