Had enough - really stressed out


I am so bored with all of this. Why am I here doing a PhD - remind me please? My bugs just won't grow. I have no results and I'm already 3 months into my project.


Tell me about it. I've had a crying fit too, and many tantrums. I'm going to spontaneously combust!!


Zara, I think having no results after only 3 months is not a big deal. I can imagine how fustrating that is but you have a long time to work on it (sorry I don't mean to make things sound worse).

Maybe you should take a couple of weeks off and not think about the work at all?


Thanks for the advice guys - so it is normal not to have results to put in your thesis at this stage?


I am only new too but i think that its totally normal i have none! a girl in our lab has been hear a year and has none.


Yes, a hug would be good just now - and a 6 month holiday in Barbados!!


Hang in there Zara! It's totally normal not to have results at this stage as it's the trial and error stage of testing what will/won't work! I know people who haven't really started on or know what they are doing 3 months in so you're ahead already!

It's a tough as you build yourself up to get a PhD and when you get one it's Woo Hoo!! Everything is rosy as you can't believe you're there. Then it's work time although it doesn't work out the way you plan it! Everything takes longer than you realise so you don't have much to show for it when your supervisor asks!! You come back down to earth with a big bump! So you either try to avoid your supervisor or try to prove you are not stupid and will get results! And also attempting to avoid using the word stressed incase it stresses you further! You do wonder why on earth we do this to ourselves? It'll be worth it in the end when we can see past all this!! Remember it's research training as opposed to knowing what to do!

Good luck & hope you get some bugs soon!