HELP: internal assessment review statement


Does anyone anywhere have ideas what is needed for this last review before the home stretch? I know I have to hand in one chapter (check), I know I have to write a review (check), ....but I have little idea what is needed for this review. I admit, I have not exactly had, nor currently receive, any support from my supervisor. I've done it on my own until now....and now I'm actually perplexed. :$



Is it possible to ask your supervisor for some help? You seem to have done nearly all of it yourself it seems so there's relatively little for them to do so maybe they won't be averse to helping you out at this stage. Failing that, is there a dedicated postgrad office/tutor/admin person that you could ask? Someone has to know what goes on there! Or you could try asking another postgrad from your dept/school who has either been through the process or is going through it as well (in which case they could ask THIER sup for help and pass the info to you).

To be honest, at some point the supervisor is going to have to look at your form as are other academic staff and so it's in the sup's best interests to help you fill it out properly. I'd ask them first.
I hope you get the help you need!