


I have been offered a PhD and obviously I am really pleased. I have an interview already arranged next wk for another PhD. I don't know if I should ask the first uni if they will wait for a decision and go to the interview. What does everyone think?


It depends how much you like the subject/place of the first one. It is a bird in the hand decision, as you may not be offered the second, and lose the first if you dont accept.
If the one you have been offered sounds interesting and you like the people you should accept it and cancel the second interview. If you don't like the place or the people, then tell them you will decide after the second interview. They may say that the offer does not stand that long, and you must be prepared for that.


If your funding is not adequate, you coudl use the second interview as leverage, but that is only if you are really confident that the first PhD offer is solid and they really really want you. I am also in agreement with Tim. If you like the first offer, do something fun next week rather than getting all suited up for another interview.


lol DanB, that actually wasnt me!

I didn't get an offer for my Phd until August 2005 and never had an interview or anything. Plus didn't actually apply for it or any other Phd place.........I wonder who this person is/was....


It was the bloke who used to be in Steps.


Could be but can't imagine him doing a PhD.....

"I must not judge people, I must not judge people, I must not judge people..."


You underestimate him. He used to live near me and I'd regularly see him in the library reading books on Nuclear Physics. Whose idea do you think it was to cover Chain Reaction?