Horrible presentation experience


Just gave my lab meeting presentation and my supervisor absolutley slated me. I was presenting on a technique that I was shown just three weeks ago and have been trying to make work myself and he was asking horrible questions and not accepting my answers. I wouldn't mind so much but he doesn't offer much support day-to-day I'm given experiments to do without so much of a protocol so I'm bound to make mistakes and some of them are because I took the advice of someone who really should know the answer! I feel pretty rubbish and like I should quit so just wanted to rant and see if anyone else has had similar experiences!


I don't have any advice I'm afraid. Best to just forget about it - you tried your best, I'm sure
I've got my first presentation tomorrow morning and I'm scared


Please don't be upset. That must be his understanding of constructive criticism. One of my supervisors did that to me on my first ever presentation. Academics from our University and other universities were invited. I just didn't understand why he would try to rip my work apart by keep saying things like "yeah but.... this has been done before... what makes you think that it works" etc. I now know that he was only trying to show me the real experience.

This experience will come really handy on your next presentation.


forget them - the supervisor, and try to improve your work in the line of their comments. my way of dealing with critique is separating myself from the paper am presenting - the critique is about the paper and not me. tho some supervisors can be such idiots - if you have my sup - they make sure they criticise you and not your work. so..... forget them, don't make them so important as to stick in your memory for ages. pick yourself up and address the method you're using. its painful, but you learn as you go along.


Thanks for replies. I feel better this morning. At least if I have more of this at each presentation for the next 4 years my viva won't scare me!