How many teaching hours?


Hi everyone,

I'm looking to do a doctorate in Counselling Psychology. I was just wondering if anyone knows roughly how many hours will be teaching time? Or how many hours a student would HAVE to spend at the actual university. I realise most of the course is research so it would depend on how much time I want to spend researching at the uni.

I'm basically trying to find out because it would be a lot cheaper for me to commute rather than rent a place in London. But it's quite a long way so just wanted to find out if it was worth doing it.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks guys!


Aren't these answers likely to vary by uni/course, and you should be asking your supervisor and/or head of postgrad studies? Especially the second question, but also the first one, because opportunities for teaching experience/pay vary a lot from department to department. There are also often rules restricting how much funded students can work.


Yes, its just impossible for any of us to say..... so much of your second question depends on the nature of your course and your research - I don't 'have' to spend any time at the uni if I don't want to beyond arranging meetings with my sup once every couple of months (it was more frequent early on) but others here have to be in every day as they are using labs, and others are somewhere between the two!
Regards teaching, I don't do any, our first years aren't allowed to teaching full stop, 2nd years and above only, but then plenty of unis and some depts within our uni allow teaching in the first year, some depts offer more teaching, some less depending on the requirements. I'm only allowed to work a max of 10 hours a week and I have a RA position in the dept so no teaching for me til this ends, some of our students will do 6 or 8 contact hours, some only one seminar a week. I know some work more than that.
It all depends on your course, your requirements, the rules in your particular dept at your uni and your funding situation
Really sorry I can't be more help