How to keep productivity flowing?


Well, today I've had one of those days. Have spent most of the day skiving off on this forum, and registering with HR sites, dreaming of a time when I can look for a job and be done with this thesis.

Lately I've been finding that it's really hard to maintain a high level of productivity. I can work like a demon for a couple of days, then have days like today. I think it's partly because it's the end of the year and I need a break and I'm long-term tired. But next year I have 6 mths to finish the monster and can't afford to have less productive days. Am remembering all those horror stories people tell, of months of 16 hour days, and wonder how I'll be able to do that/whether it'll be necessary.

So, how do people keep their productivity up? I eat well, rest, exercise, do all those things, but still find it difficult to maintain momentum. I'm disciplined and work every day and am normally quite productive, but lately have had trouble sustaining a really good, high level of productivity for long periods. Maybe the sheer fact of the 6 mth countdown will drive me to be more productive...? How have people found that last extra push?

Thoughts? Thanks all.

(...right...might just wander over to this org's website and look at their recruitment pages...dum de dum....)


I wish I knew too! I am three months away for handing in, and realise I have so much to do. I even got up early today, and it is 07:15 here and I plan to get some writing in by 9am so I can be proud of something. helped me for a bit to structure my day, but then, one can just ignore it like I do after a while. I really need a break, so a few days off at Christmas back in the UK will do me good. I am also reducing my coffee to a small tea cup full a day. The mugs that I drink from the departmental coffee maker are too strong and induce headaches and a sense of having jetlag or a hangover. This makes me less productive. So early mornings, and fewer coffees.....let's see how this goes....must have a paper in by friday, so will let you know!